How Do Cataracts Affect Vision?

When we age, cataracts are one ailment that we, unfortunately, cannot run away from. Cataracts affect people over the age of 40. The visual effects can be devastating, further stripping you of your vision, confidence, and increasing your current stage of life.

To provide you with a more reliable idea of precisely how cataracts are affecting your vision, the LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles can give you regular eye exams to determine how to monitor and manage your condition.



How do you know, and what are its symptoms?


A cataract is a clouding of the internal lens in the eye. This clouding blocks the light that usually passes through the lens, which can make your vision seem blurry or vague.

Another common symptom is glare and light sensitivity. It makes driving dangerous at night, as the light from other cars and street lamps can generate brightness or physical pain in the eye.

Cataracts are painless, so you may only become aware when you feel some changes in your vision, or when the best LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles presents a diagnosis following an exam.


If you leave it untreated, a cataract could cause blindness in the affected eye. 


Does Near or Far Vision Affect Cataracts?


There are two ways that a cataract impairs vision. The first one is when the lens changes to a yellow or brown color over time, it affects both near and far vision. When the lens changes, you might see that everything looks browner. Over some time, as it goes darker, it’s much more challenging to read and do other activities. It does limit both near and far vision even if discoloration does not affect the clarity of a vision.

The second way is when the protein in the eye lens starts to thicken. It affects the quantity of light that enters through the eye lens into the optic nerve, which causes far and near vision to be blurry.


Will Wearing Glasses Help if You Got Cataracts?


Wearing new glasses may correct your vision in the earlier stages of cataract growth.

But, as the cataract progresses, wearing your eyeglasses will not be useful, and its time LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles will suggest cataract surgery.


When cataracts are left untreated, your vision will inevitably get worse, and in the end, the protein clump will spread all over the lens, and you will no longer be able to see. LASIK surgeons Los Angeles will advise that surgery is the only possible cataract treatment to correct vision, and there will be fewer surgical side effects.


If you are worried about cataracts and your vision, schedule an appointment with the best LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles at Excel Laser Vision Institute today.