LASIK in Los Angeles: What to Expect And Who To Go To

Many people find that after years of wearing glasses they wish to get Lasik eye surgery. They grow sick of wearing glasses or contacts and wish to go back to having 20/20 vision. With Excel Laser Institute, a laser vision correction facility in Los Angeles, you’ll find great service and at great, affordable prices. Eyes are an important part of people’s daily lives and most want to ensure they go to the best place to get LASIK. You may be wondering, what goes into the procedure, what happens during the procedure, and how am I supposed to take care of my eyes after? 


First off when we consider what goes into corrective eye surgery we must discuss why the eye needs work in the first place. People need glasses or contacts because of either a refractive error (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism. This can be brought on by many factors including genetics, staring at a laptop or phone screen too often, or even working in dim light settings. Whatever the reason, once a person experiences bad eyesight this leads to wearing glasses or contacts. Once you’ve had blurry vision for years many find that they want to be able to see without help as it can be a frustrating, time-consuming task dealing with contacts or buying new glasses. The actual procedure to improve your vision is developed in a series of tasks:


  •  Before going into the procedure your doctor will book a couple of appointments with you to check for certain things like inflammation, dry eyes, large pupils, etc. Then your doctor will explain the procedure and what steps you need to take a few weeks before the surgery (for example not wearing contacts or makeup) then you will schedule a follow-up appointment.
  • Next comes the actual procedure. During this process the doctor will first numb your eye, then the doctor will use either a blade or laser cutter to remove the corneal flap, after which an excimer laser is used to remove tissue from the center of the cornea to reshape it. Finally, the flap is placed back over your eye and is allowed to heal naturally.


Finally, it will be time for the healing process which can vary from person to person, for some it may take a few weeks for others it may take months. In any event, the best thing to do within the first 24 to 48 hours after your procedure would be the best time to take some time off and perhaps sleep. Once you pass the 48 hour period it’s still important to watch out for/avoid:


  1. Dust, smoke, and eye makeup
  2. Don’t go swimming and avoid putting your head underwater 
  3. Avoid rubbing and touching your eyes


You want to take extra precautions to avoid damaging your eyes or causing some sort of fracture. It will be important to set up follow-up appointments for some time after to check to make sure everything is going okay in terms of eyesight and healing. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on your best route to recovery. Remember to contact Excel Laser Institute to book your appointment today for LASIK in Los Angeles