5 Reasons You Should Visit LASIK Surgeons

The need for glasses and contact lenses is a real hassle. They are expensive, and you need an updated prescription if you have eye problems over a long period of time. 

Finding the right contact lenses is a hard task. That’s what makes online eyewear stores so attractive. But when trying to convince them of convenience and outstanding performance, they tell you (perhaps just subtly) that annual eye exams with an ophthalmologist can be skipped. That is wrong. 


Before you realize that a problem exists, a routine comprehensive eye exam can detect vision problems, eye diseases, and general eye health conditions. Adults are advised to have a comprehensive eye exam every 1-2 years-not just a vision test.

With the increased screen time, today the pressure on our eyes is higher than ever. Make sure your eyes adapt to these challenges. Here are some threats to eye health, so an eye exam must be performed annually. 


Dry eye

Did you know that dry eye is one of the top reasons people go to Lasik surgeons in Los Angeles? The burning, irritating, and general discomfort associated with dry eyes are not something you should bear.

Of course, you can try home remedies to help control your symptoms, but it’s essential to understand the root cause of eye dryness first. Dry eyes are not only uncomfortable, but they can also affect your vision and overall eye health. It is better to visit LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles if you are suffering from dry eyes for a longer time.

Dry eye vision is blurred vision, and continuous stimulation can seriously damage the cornea. The advancements have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of the dry eyes. So don’t ignore these dry eye conditions.


Digital eye fatigue

Today, almost everything we interact with involves a screen: computer, phone, e-reader, game console, TV, tablet, phones.

There are many screens. The use of digital devices has fundamentally changed one of the essential functions of our eyes: the way we blink our eyes. It turns out that blinking is vital for eye health. The blinking action releases lubricating substances from the small glands of the eyelids to help slow the evaporation of the tear film in the eyes.

When we gaze at the screen, our blink rate is much slower than usual. If it does not blink regularly, these glands will not function properly and will become clogged. As a result, the tear film evaporates quickly, causing you to have dry eye symptoms.


Sun Injury

Every day we are exposed to ultraviolet rays. Although sun damage is more closely related to skin cancer, the threat to the eye is just as significant.

It’s essential to wear UV-resistant sunglasses—your annual eye exam screens if you’ve got too much sun exposure, including macular degeneration and cataracts.



Of course, not everyone has an allergic reaction. But as the number of pollen and allergens increases, the incidence will increase. Anyone with hay fever and other allergies knows how vulnerable the eyes are to burns, itching, redness, and systemic irritation.


Vision correction

Vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism require a routine check by your LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles.

However, if you’re wearing eyeglasses, you have to make sure that your prescriptions are up to date. Second, if you wear contact lenses, your ophthalmologist needs to monitor the health of your eyes carefully. The fact is that wearing contact lenses carries certain risks.

They reduce the amount of oxygen entering the ocular surface and may also interfere with those lubricating glands we mentioned earlier. Your ophthalmologist needs to see you make sure everything is normal and that the tear film and eyes are healthy.

Today, life is busy, and it is essential to have and maintain an annual vision check, especially if you have problems. Almost everyone needs a comprehensive assessment of their eyes regularly to ensure their health and ability to see. Life is getting busier every single day, but if you notice or experience any eye problems, visit the best Lasik surgeons in Los Angeles to find out if you’re a good candidate for a LASIK procedure and thus, avoid any serious vision consequences.